
The Blog

How to write an acrostic poem

How to write an acrostic poem

Acrostic poems are one of the most popular poetry forms. Children loving writing them and I think, perhaps, it’s because they have a starting point – something to work from. I’m going to take you through some steps you can do to practise before putting together your...

Children can be published authors too.

Children can be published authors too.

Do you know any budding young authors? I’ve been making that publishing dream a reality for children for some time now. My holiday workshops involve a week of idea brainstorming, planning and writing. This results in the children receiving a copy of their story in...

Why is creative writing so important?

Why is creative writing so important?

Creative writing can boost children and young people’s well-being and help them feel connected to the world. That’s what the children who do enjoy writing say about it. Children and young people often write song lyrics, diary entries, reviews, stories and poems, and...

First line prompts for story writing

First line prompts for story writing

One of the most popular things we do at Young Writers is the five-minute story writing challenge. When I first introduced this idea, it was met with horror. How could you possibly be expected to produce a piece of story writing of any worth in just five minutes? But...

Nine-line poetry – The Magic 9!

Nine-line poetry – The Magic 9!

When I first came across a poetry form called The Magic Nine, I was immediately intrigued. Though I love having a go at writing poetry and simply going with the flow, I also like a challenge. This one appealed because it is a structured form that follows the rhyming...

Recipe for a Story

Recipe for a Story

Want to know how to cook up a story idea? Make a recipe! Follow this simple recipe. All you need are a few good ingredients. Mix them up with a bit of imagination and you’re good to go. What you will need:- Two characters- A place- Two objects- An adjective- An...

The power of the metaphor

The power of the metaphor

Although not easy to come up with, I love a metaphor. I guess that’s partly what makes them so appealing. That, and the fact you don’t need to use many in your writing for them to have an impact. Unlike similes that make a direct comparison with something else using...

Writing and English support for children

Writing and English support for children

Hello and thanks for stopping by. I’m so glad you’ve found my writing club. I’m Nikki and I started Storymakers in 2017. This was just after the publication of my first book, The Mystery of the Disappearing Underpants.   At that time, I had been freelance writing and...

Why do we use similes in writing?

Why do we use similes in writing?

I mean, why bother? Just say what you mean, right? Well, I have to say I love similes. They add so much to your writing in what we call imagery. In other words, it helps the reader see, in his or her mind’s eye, what the writer is trying to describe. So, what is a...