
Seven-Line Poetry – Creative writing prompts

by | Mar 26, 2020

Today’s creative writing prompt is a poem in the form of seven-line poetry.

Seven-Line poetry - Storymakers

The inspiration for this poem will come from one of the books on your shelf.

Here’s what to do:

– Go to your book shelf and take the seventh book along.
– Open this book at Page seven.
– Find the seventh sentence on this page and copy it down.

You will now write a seven-line poem, starting with this sentence.

A 7-line poem is called a Septet. It can also be known as a Rhyme Royal.

Traditionally, Rhyme Royals have the following rhyming sequence: ababbcc. What does this mean? It means that you give each line a letter i.e. first line is a, second line is b, etc.

In this pattern, the first line should rhyme with the third.
The second line should rhyme with the fourth and fifth.
The sixth and seventh lines should rhyme with each other.

You don’t have to follow this pattern, but it adds to the challenge.

Here’s an example.

The book I chose was ‘It’s not the end of ther World’ by Judy Blume.
Page seven is actually the first page of the book, but I went with that and picked out the 7th line. This was: ‘She got married over the summer and now she’s a witch!’

I changed this line slightly so I could fit it in with the rest of my poem, but here’s what I came up with:

She married in summer and now is a witch
I think it’s a little bit strange, don’t you?
Right after the service, she started to itch
Her skin started wrinkling and then she turned blue
Why this should happen, we haven’t a clue
But poor husband, Fred, when he started to goad
Will not laugh no more – he’s turned into a toad!

What do you think?

Like all the prompts I share, they provide an interesting and fun way to challenge yourself and your writing. Have fun with it and if you would like more writing inspiration, please take a look at the other blogs on this website.


  1. Ira Badena

    I love Ryhme Royals much
    They just give a soul to poetry

    • NikkiYoungAuthor

      They’re fun to write too!

  2. Randy

    My writing group’s January assignment is to write a septet. My goodness, it is quite a task, but I am going to try to do this.

    • NikkiYoungAuthor

      Have fun with it 😊



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